Abbots Care Ltd Launches Acts of Appreciation Campaign

Abbots Care Ltd have launched a new Acts of Appreciation campaign to recognize their care staff who have gone above and beyond their duty of care.

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The campaign aims to support the wellbeing of employees and boost moral throughout the workforce, alongside other staff initiatives recently launched by the company.

Every month a coordinator from each branch nominates a care worker who has gone above and beyond for their service users or colleagues, and they receive a thank you card, gift, or message of appreciation from everyone at Abbots.

Helen Sinden, Operations Director says “Abbots Care Ltd is built on family values and we want this ethos reflected in the treatment of our staff. We want them to know the positive impact they are making in the community and how they are transforming lives. This comes at a time when the wellbeing of care staff is paramount in the industry and as a care employer we are committed to ensuring our workforce feels supported, appreciated, with access to the right resources.”

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