Caring for Someone with Dementia

Get support when caring for someone with dementia

Caring for someone with dementia can be an immense challenge, and often those in a position of providing care for a loved one find themselves at risk of burnout. No one can pour from an empty cup, which is why making time for yourself to recuperate is essential for both you and for the person in your care.

Opening yourself to receiving support from friends, family or professionals can ease the load – caring for someone with dementia doesn’t have to be alone. Abbots know how difficult it can be, therefore have organised Dementia Awareness Workshops across the Hertfordshire. These workshops provide support for families and the community, as well as allowing a space to meet with families and friends of those living with dementia.

At Abbots Care, we are committed to providing exceptional care to people with dementia that ensures their happiness, comfort, dignity and peace of mind. We provide care visits from 15 mins a day, to 24-hour support with live in care and respite services. Care at home has been shown to lower stress levels, as your loved one can receive support in a familiar environment.

If you are caring for someone with dementia, we’ll work with you to put together the best care plan for your loved one. For more information on how our dementia care can support you, get in touch.

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