Flexibility and Freedom: Why Choose Elderly Live-in Care for Your Loved One?

As our loved ones age, their care needs often become more complex, requiring thoughtful consideration and planning. While traditional care homes are a viable option, there’s another compassionate and empowering alternative: elderly live-in care. This approach offers personalised support, fosters independence, maintains familiarity and comfort, and addresses emotional and physical well-being from the comfort of their…

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Falls Prevention Programme

An opportunity to reduce the risk of falls for elderly After the festive season, winter time can not only feel a bit depressing, but frosty mornings, reduced daylight, ice and snow can increase the risk of physical injuries by falls, especially for the elderly. The natural ageing process reduces mobility through loss of muscle and…

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Gender Pay Gap

Abbots Care is committed to displaying with full transparency the diversity they show throughout their recruitment process. The focus is not just on gender for equal pay and benefits but the staff diversity is apparent through many other areas. The focus remains on employing the right staff to offer first class care at every level….

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Newsletter Spring/Summer 2018

Hello, Camille Leavold, Managing Director/Co-Founder After a cold and snowy winter, Spring has definitely sprung in Hertfordshire. We’ve had a really busy start to the year with 61 new care workers joining the Abbots team since January after completing their care certificates. Learning and development is something we place a high value on at Abbots…

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The Right Career Path in Home Care

Diverse Opportunities for Carers with First-Rate Training and Support Social care is an extremely rewarding career path, and one that is also becoming increasingly important in the United Kingdom, where an ageing population and increased strains on the National Health Service represent serious challenges. Today, it is estimated that there are more than 1.5 million…

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