Abbots Care Recipe Guide

Eating healthy meals is important at any stage of life. Following a few nutritional guidelines every day will help you and your family stay healthy and allow those at any stage of life to continue living to the fullest. Aim for at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day, whether they’re fresh, frozen,…

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Mental Health of a Care Worker

Mental Health is a growing issue and something we support at Abbots Care Mental health is a pertinent issue, becoming more recognised by the day. According to the Mental Health Foundation, every week one in six adults will experience some kind of mental health problem. It’s a topic that’s even more relevant in the workplace,…

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Keeping well during lockdown.

How to support yourself and those around you. Tips for physical and mental wellbeing at during lockdown.  This year we have had to adapt to a slightly different life to the one we are used to, staying home unless we absolutely need to go to work or to get essential food and medicine. Now that…

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Coping with Post Lockdown Anxiety

Lockdown restrictions have started to ease across the UK, and some of us are looking forward to getting back to routine and familiarity. But many people will also be feeling anxious and apprehensive about resuming normal life after months in lockdown. Perhaps you’re worried about your own health, or unsure about how best to protect…

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