Signs your loved one may need live-in care

Changes in physical health

These can include changes in mobility, balance and coordination as well as cognitive function such as confusion, disorientation and memory loss. These changes often make it difficult to carry out daily activities such as bathing, dressing and carrying out day-to-day tasks.

Changes in behaviour or mood

You may notice symptoms such as depression, anxiety and agitation as well as changes in mood, behaviour and overall ability to function.


Becoming disconnected from friends or family or spending more time alone, could be a sign that your loved one may need additional social support.

Struggles with day-to-day life

This can include difficulty in preparing meals, housekeeping, gardening and personal hygiene. The inability to perform tasks that they used to can greatly affect wellbeing and may gradually become more and more of an issue

Changes in home environment

If you notice that your loved one’s home is cluttered, unsanitary or unsafe, this could be a sign that they need extra support with household tasks. Excess clutter around the house can lead to an increase in trips or falls.

Difficulty managing medications

If your loved one is having trouble remembering to take their medications or is taking them incorrectly, live-in care can provide the support they need to manage their medications safely.

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