Removal Notice of Causeway Bay Display Room (26 April 2008)

Removal Notice of Causeway Bay Display Room

To provide better services to our customers, our display room located at Causeway Bay will be moved to Room 1306, 13/F, Capitol Centre, 5-19 Jardine’s Bazaar, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong on 26 April 2008.

The new display room is equipped with more individual rooms for customers. With the MTR, bus stations and van depots nearby, the new location is much more convenient than before.

Moreover, starting from 20 April 2008, the new Causeway Bay display room will not be opened on Sunday and public holidays. Our Sunday opening will be switched to the Tsim Sha Tsui display room instead. Detailed location of Tsim Sha Tsui shop and its office hours are as follows:

Address: Suite 8, 5/F, Sands Building, 17 Hankow Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Office Hours:
Mon-Fri 9:00-13:00, 14:00-18:00
Sat 9:00-16:00
Sun & Public Holiday 11:00-16:00

Office hours of Kowloon Head Office remains unchanged.。

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